Having experience with small, medium & public space projects, I am interested in fields that connect architecture with the performing arts, design approaches based on local culture and assignments that search to transform old materials/objects into contemporary contexts.
I love experiencing music and try to create some soundworks myself. Always on the lookout for likesounded people to listen, jam or create with.
Learning new languages, capturing abstract atmospheres & feelings of certain places or researching local cultural patterns all help me exploring new perspectives. I also started a platform that talks about Taiwanese culture in CZ through stories, literature and tea.
Having grown up bilingual in CZ and DE, I later received my master degree in Architecture & Civil Engineering at the CTU in Prague (2017) and spent a year at the University of Granada, Spain and Taiwan's NTUST each. After 2 years in office I became a full time freelancer in 2018.
Although I'm currently based in Prague, Czech Republic, I am open for projects and collaborations world wide. You can contact me in English, German, Czech or Spanish, which i speak fluently, or you can try to contact me in Mandarin or Taiwanese, which I am still working on.
The Body Medium AV piece
Collab with Ho-Ting Wei, for 'The Story of Tatoo' exhibition, Art & Culture Center, NCCU, Taipei
Noisegate sound piece
played at FMT Festival, NGO DEI, Prague
Tunghai University Taichung
Taught and designed the course: Tea and it's links to Taiwanese Culture, History and Architecture
Quemoy University, Kinmen
Workshop on Redesigning Public Spaces and local Military Architecture for highschool students
Taiwan Tea Culture Experience
Taiwanese pavilion (CAM), ICOM Prague, Prague Congress Centre
Solo Exhibition
Soundctuary, Treasure Hill, Taipei
Treasure Hill Artist Village, Taipei
Honorable Mention
International Earth God temple design competition, Taichung
設計王 X Living 住宅美學 Design Want (Taiwan)
三立新聞 SET News (Taiwan)
民視新聞網 Formosa TV News (Taiwan)
設計王 Design Want (Taiwan)
今周刊 Business Today (Taiwan)
寶島聯播網 Baodao Radio (Taiwan)
Electric Soul Magazine (Hong Kong / International)
EARCH.CZ Architecture magazine (Czech Republic)
Radio Taiwan International (Taiwan / Germany)
中央通訊社 Central News Agency (Taiwan)
Prague, 2020®
Interested in working together? I am open to any new collaborations and projects.
Hit me up!